Olive Groves

Cosa facciamo al frantoio Batta

gallery18Batta Farm covers 14 hectacres of olive groves with over 3400 trees, some of which are centuries old “Dolce Agogia”, an excellent variety typical of the area.
The harvest reaches about 350 tons of olives which produce about 60 hectolitres of extra virgin olive oil.
Harvesting the olives is carried out with great care and is partly done by hand and partly mechanically depending on the type of tree, the soil and weather conditions.
The olive pickers work from sunrise to sunset as they did in the past, and in the same way as in the past,
picnic under the trees amongst their nets, tools and containers full of olives. A bite to eat with an eye on the work they have already done and another on the loaded trees still to be stripped of their fruit, waiting to be picked and pressed to extract what the trees have hidden jealously for months amongst their leaves.